Through Title III and V grants, the Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) program empowers HSIs to expand educational opportunities and enhance academic offerings, ultimately improving outcomes for Hispanic students.
Northern has 4 DHSI grants; STEM XL, Fast-track to Finish, El Centro, and CASSA!
Northern’s DHSI grants
Accelerating Achievement in STEM (STEM XL) is framed around Northern students' needs, and represents the next steps in Northern’s development as a Hispanic Serving Institution with respect to increasing STEM enrollment, persistence, retention, and ultimately degree completion, and career success. In addition, STEM XL actively supports STEM Articulations for transfer success from two-year programs. STEM XL funds The Impacts of a Summer Bridge Experience on Postsecondary Enrollment, Persistence and Momentum in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) at Northern New Mexico College research study. Performance Period: 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2026.
Title V F2F
The Fast-track to Finish (F2F) project puts into place key mechanisms for greater student success such as, flexible pathways, stronger academic support, dedicated advisors, expanded online education and financial literacy. F2F is proud to have revitalized the NNMC Summer Bridge program in 2020. This program is instrumental to helping students gain math and English skills necessary to be successful in college-level courses. Performance Period: 10/1/2020-9/30/2025
Title V El Centro
El Centro generates opportunities for learning principles and practices of effective academic, social and emotional learning that also support and inspire post-secondary engagement and success for Hispanic and low-income students. The intended outcome of this activity theme is to create the foundation for a community of practice at Northern that supports a stronger sense of belonging for our Hispanic and low-income students through the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Dual Credit Center. Performance Period: 10/1/2022-9/30/2027